Continuing Education
Coming Up Next
Foot Reflexology & Zone Therapy CE Class
presented by Marsha Mathes
16 CEs NCBTMB Approved
Date/Time: February 22 and 23, 8:00am – 5:00pm daily
Location: Massage Therapy Institute, 1908 Flint Rd SE, Decatur, AL
Cost: $375 if paid in full 3 weeks prior to class start date; otherwise $400
Register: Marsha Mathes @ 256.698.2151 or MarshaMathes333@gmail.com
Instructor: Marsha Mathes, NCBTMB Approved Provider#326,
AL LMT#1855, MS 2964

Reflexology is the application of reflex points on the feet that correlate to every organ, gland, muscle entire body. When stimulation or pressure is applied to these specific reflex points, it assists the body to return to balance or homeostasis; allowing energetic blocks to flow more easily. Thus, it balances the Chi or life force as in acupuncture. Come learn this ancient healing art of foot reflexology.
Reflexology can be offered as a “stand-alone” modality for 30 or 60 minutes or as an “add-on” service to any treatment.
The instructor, Marsha Mathes, is a LMT graduate of Kaleidoscope School of Therapeutic Massage in
University City, MO in 1988 and is an AL LMT #1855, a NCBTMB Approved Provider #326 since
2013. She was trained in Reflexology over 40 years ago and uses it professionally and personally.
Basic Life Saving Class
$75 per class
DISCOUNT for MTI grads
Please call office to register